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Diary Entry | "First Day at IIM-A"

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First Day at IIM-A

- by Vinamra Srivastava *

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I have got a room in the new campus, Dorm 23, Room 30. The room is located on the second floor. The room is really good, with all basic facilities provided, including a phone and a balcony.
It indeed is very comfortable. Each dorm has a TV, washing machine, pantry and our dorm also has a TT table, though am not sure if I will get any time to use that. Initially, I thought that a room in the new campus is not that good as I would be a bit away from the buzzing life at the old campus, as everything apart from few dorms and classrooms is located in the old campus. The old campus symbolizes the actual traditional IIM-A and the new campus is till under construction. But I can't help it as the rooms have been fixed for each student. Hope I get used to it soon. I met the seniors (henceforth referred to as tucchas, in IIM-A jargon) of my dorm and they have been extremely helpful, guiding me about the basic fundaes of the life I am about to start here. What I have seen and been told here is that the dorm culture is very strong and your entire dorm becomes your family.

The actual registration of the course is day after tomorrow. Once all first year people (henceforth referred to as facchas, in IIM-A jargon) are here, then we will have dorm meetings in which our formal intro, etc., would take place. We have been given handbooks that describe the entire schedule of the next two years in detail and gives other required info about the institute that we need to know. The actual classes start from Monday.

I will be posting the events of the forthcoming days here as and when I get an opportunity to. The internet connections in our rooms have not been activated as yet and will be done in 4-5 days. Hence, I will have to go to the (CC) Computer Centre to access the net. I don't even know where the CC is. Will find that out tomorrow.

Its an awesome place and though I have not even completed 24 hours here till now, I can already foresee the great time I am going to have here. They say there is no life in first year. All you do is study as you have absolutely no time for anything else. So am already gearing myself up for that. Lets see whats in store as the days unfurl.

P.S. I got the opportunity to watch the entire Eng-Sweeden match today in the dorm. Seniors said, dekh lo abhi TV, baad mein pata nahi kab mauka mile once classes start.

Its already 3:40 am... a prelude to the night-outs ahead in store, I guess .


Related Links: -
+ Induction at IIM-A - by Vinamra Srivastava

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* Contributed by -
Vinamra Srivastava (Campus Associate),
PGP - 1,
Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad.

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