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IMI, Delhi Organizes Seminar on IR "Towards Strengthening & Sustaining Harmony"

Employers and workers should work as partners to strengthen and sustain industrial harmony.

New Delhi, November 25th, 2005: Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) in close partnership with the International Management Institute (IMI) here in Delhi today organised a session of the Seminar on Industrial Relations "Towards Strengthening & Sustaining Harmony".

Shri S. K. Mukhopadhyay, Chief Labour Commissioner, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India, said, "The guiding principles of the labour-related laws are to promote workers' welfare and ensure social security without disturbing industrial harmony." "The logic of welfare should go hand-in-hand with logic of competition," he stressed.

Earlier, in his remarks Dr. M. K. Pandhe, President, Centre for Indian Trade Unions (CITU) stated that competition had created an adverse effect on Industrial Relations and that the nature of competition needed to be reviewed. He also highlighted the importance to undertake appraisal of globalization to understand its benefits. Referring to Human Development Index, he shared his concern over India's position at 127 and made a strong pitch for bringing economic development at par with social and human development. He expressed unhappiness about the decline of tripartite consultation and stressed the need for consulting trade unions for any policy matter and decisions, which had been a missing link at present.

Mr. Thampan Thomas, President, Hind Mazdoor Sabha, while addressing the Seminar, mentioned that the market economy was free for all - without any principles or morality and that profit-oriented management had a tendency to gamble with society. He urged the industry to ensure positive labour participation in management for sustenance of the Country and economy 'if trade unions are negative then management becomes exploitative and the government inactive'. He also underlined the fact that legal framework should have a compliance mechanism.


Contributed by -
Abhinav Sood,
PGPM 2003-2006,
Public Relations and Media Cell,
International Management Institute.