B - School News


President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Interacts with Management Students at LIBA


He was of the opinion that all what was happening in the big, developed world was not a "big big industry making the economy". On the contrary, he said, it was "the millions and millions of small entrepreneurs who generate the economy". The President added that the entrepreneur "has to see possibilities where others do not, always search for new opportunities and challenges, then be creative, think out-of-the-box, constantly strive to do things better, be confident about taking risks, be proactive and focus on the future and have a good knowledge and skill base."

He then went on to talk about Organizational Dynamics and its relevance today. He urged the student community to never fail in acknowledging contributions made by team members. The President also enlightened the students on the "Law of Development". This law, he said, demarcated countries into two categories, the "developed" or the "developing". What differentiated the developed countries from the developing countries were their "competitiveness" and their ability to "market aggressively". He was of the opinion that the common factor between developed and developing countries is competitiveness. This competitiveness was based on three factors, cost, and quality and just in time market. With this the President added that mere competitiveness was incapable of ensuring survival in any organization. Ethics, he believed, was a contiguous factor for sustaining a competitive advantage.

The President also shared with the gathering, his experiences with the Cosmic Ray Scientist, Prof. Vikram Sarabhai, who he believed had great vision and foresight. Other visionaries who he believed had contributed immensely to India's growth were C. Subramaniam, Prof. Swaminathan and Varghese Kurien. He said the country owed its economic prosperity to young entrepreneurs in the IT industry, the Pharma industry and small-scale enterprises.

He then went on to emphasize the fact that management education should train one on confidence and on being a creative leader. When asked by a woman from the audience on his take on partiality towards women, the President said that there was a need to "emphasize there is no difference in performance between men and women". He added that women provided stability of performance and continuity; two traits that would help them become winners.


Contributed by -
Bhaumik Chokshi,
PGDBM - 1st Year,
Loyola Institute of Business Administration.