Career Resource Center : The final guide

Exit Interview

Every employee leaving the Company is to be extended the courtesy of a final interview with a member of management to whom this responsibility is delegated.

  1. Exit Interview Form

    Employee leaving the organization is supposed to fill the exit Interview form and HR person who is taking interview has to put his/her comments on that.

  2. Exit Interview Procedure

    1. The exit interview, conducted by the HR Manager or designated staff member, is to be held:

      In the event of a release, on the final day of employment. The employee should not return to work following the interview; therefore, the time of the interview is to be set accordingly; or

      In the event of a voluntary resignation or retirement, the exit interview may take place one or more days prior to the date of leaving.

    2. When the work of a probationary or temporary employee has been good, a compliment regarding his or her performance is in order. Such employees should be told that they will be called for work again when it is available. In the case of employees whose work has not been satisfactory, do not encourage hopes of securing re-employment at a later date.

    3. Make an effort to "sell the employee off the job." If the reason for release is unsatisfactory performance, do not use business conditions as an excuse to the employee. Refer to the corrective interviews, which have taken place and point out that an opportunity to improve has been provided. In order to preserve self-confidence and self-respect, advise that although results on this job were unsatisfactory, it does not mean that a different line of work would also prove to be unsatisfactory.

      Point out the employee's favorable qualities with the suggestion that if properly directed they may provide considerable success elsewhere. Leave the employee with the thought that the Company is anxious to help and that this release is to the employee's own advantage.

    4. Do not discuss details with the employee in cases involving unsatisfactory references, suspicion of misconduct, etc.

    5. If the employee is leaving voluntarily, determine as accurately as possible the real reason for leaving. If the employee is leaving to work elsewhere, attempt to find out the name of the company, type of work, rate of pay, and how the job was obtained.

      Discuss any factors or conditions, which might be affecting the efficiency, performance, and morale of the remaining employees that may necessitate corrective action by the Company.

      Discuss briefly the employee's record in the department as to work, attitude, and deportment. Question the employee in order to draw out any comments, complaints, and grievances the employee may have regarding the job, the department, and the Company, provided there is not a union organizing campaign in progress at the time. If there is such a campaign, confer with the president prior to conducting the exit interview.

    6. Advise the employee of matters such as final pay, vacation pay, Company benefits, etc.

    7. Explain the Company's re-employment policy to the employee.

    8. Advise the employee of the date on which Mediclaim terminates, where appropriate.

    9. Ensure that any Company property or material in the employee's possession has been returned.

    10. Obtain the address at which the employee can be reached for the purpose of directing Form-16 or any other document.

    11. In circumstances that might prove embarrassing to either the employee or the Company, ensure that the employee receives whatever money is due and leaves the building immediately. In such cases, do not let the employee return to his department.

Source: The Net