Career Resource Center : The final guide

Five Insider Tips for Getting a Job in the USA

- by Sacha DeVoretz *

Part - II


  • Attach A Cover Letter And Make It Great -
    Cover Letters are a one page "soft" or friendly introduction to your resume in the USA, and the same principles of brevity in a resume must also be applied in a cover letter. American cover letters are not personal letters of introduction, but instead highlight your professional skills and outline how you can contribute to the success of the organization you are applying to. And it isn't just about being brief; you must be persuasive and to the point in your introduction. A cover letter is a sales tool... for you. Don't be boring! Employers want dynamic employees, so don't give them a reason not to interview you. You need to write your cover letter with the goal of enticing the reader - the employer - to find out more about you. A good cover letter will automatically give you a better chance of having your resume read and considered.

  • Be Yourself -
    American employers are looking for a person who will be a good fit for the job. When you are applying for a job to the USA and are many miles away, it may be tempting to overstate your skill or expertise level just to tip reader's interest in your favor. A good resume always clearly states your credentials and expertise for the position - but stays on the safe side of hyperbole. Employers may be able to find 100 job candidates who are suitable for the job but they are also looking for a 'real' person who can deliver the skills and talent that their resume promises.

America is a complex collection of established workplace attitudes and employment language that may seem very foreign to the international job seeker.

Some of the challenges an international job seeker faces may be readily apparent, understandable, and even universal - while others are not quite so obvious. To be successful in the USA, you must have the job-search tools and the know-how to compete head-to-head successfully with an American applicant.


* Sacha DeVoretz is an established author & international career-consultant. Created and developed an international employment agency and has lectured world-wide to audiences who were eager to learn how to effectively obtain employment. With offices in USA & Canada, she is also the founder and president of, publisher of international employment self-help manuals. Currently, member of the National Employment Counseling Association USA.