MBA Aspirants Zone : GMAT

Post your questions here for any information pertaining to the GMAT and TOEFL. We will try to answer select questions within a few days. We are launching this section with a few key questions that most GMAT aspirants may have. The questions in this section are answered by a group of associates.

Click here to post your queries or read already posted questions and answers. The questions posted here are answered by CoolAvenues Experts as well as visitors to the site.

What is the key to succeeding at the GMAT? How do I start?

The GMAT is all about time management and attentiveness. You need to know what your weak area are-quantitative or verbal. Focus on strengthening that particular weak area. As time is the key to success in the GMAT, nothing works better than doing each exercise to a time line. Most GMAT material including the official guide comes with CDs and preparatory tests. Use then to strengthen your scores.

As for attentiveness, your mental state at the time of the test can make or break it for you. Give up your preparation the previous evening. Watch a movie or go out and party. Have fun and be relaxed. Believe me it works. Get to the test center early and make sure you are absolutely relaxed.

The GMAT is not about cramming, so last minute study just won't help.

When is the best time to take the GMAT?

Most schools start their application process in late September or October, so you should have completed your test well in time before those deadlines. Taking it early gives you time to retake the test in case your score is not up to your satisfaction. Besides, you will have to start researching schools and it would help to get the GMAT and TOEFL out of the way. The same applies to your applications as well-you don't want your GMAT preparation to coincide with your application work. They both need equal attention!

You may want to make sure that you schedule your test well in advance and make sure you don't have to travel to Katmandu to take the test!!

What is the best material to use?

Given that the GMAT is no longer a paper test, make sure that you have enough online preparatory tests. There are some free tests available online as well. Businessweek also has a small diagnostic test for each section of the GMAT. Begin with that to get a handle on your competency level. Some other online resources are,,
