B - School Events


'Leaders Express - Part I' @ The Aditya Birla Manfest 2006 at IIM Lucknow

"One man has enthusiasm for 30 minutes, another for 30 days, but it is the man who has it for 30 years who makes a success of his life."

- Edward Butler

Intensity. Single-mindedness. Unwavering. Visionaries. And many more words. They are our leaders. They have treaded a path less taken. As Andrew Carnegie put it, "The first one gets the oyster; the second one gets the shell." They are the go-getters.

Leaders Express brings some of these famous names to us to share their thoughts and experiences. A lifetime of achievements, which cannot be found in a book; a richness of experience which cannot be found in any Business School, and ideas and inspirations, which comes only with the presence of such dynamic personalities who talk about their lives and how they see the world changing in the next few years. Keeping in tune with the theme of 'India-Global Torchbearers'; they are the path-breakers.

Collosseum - The Center Stage Panel Discussion of The Aditya Birla Manfest 2006

Manfest this year, thus, brings to the event rostrum, the Centre Stage Panel Discussion on 'India Global Torchbearers and the Road Ahead'.

The discussion will basically try to address the challenges in the road ahead and what should be the path to be traced. The panel will feature eminent personalities of the likes of Mr. Damodaran, Mr. Kishore Biyani and Mr. Subir Raha among others, who have shaped and transformed the way an industry works. It will feature heads of organizations poised to lead the growth in Indian economy.


Contributed by -
Shruti Rustagi,
Team Manfest,
IIM Lucknow.