B - School News


Press Release - 14th March, 2004
Rechristening of the XIMB Media and PR Cell

In the age of brand equity and brand awareness, nothing helps like branding of an item, service or organization. The member elects of the present Media Committee of the Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar, most urgently felt this need.

Hence the idea to have a campus wide idea generation contest for a catchy name for the Media Committee with a complimentary punchline. The outcome was equally enlightening when the name "IlluminatiX" was thrown up. The punchline that will be used henceforth is "Crusading for brand XIMB".

The present members of the Media Committee have a task on their hands of not only promoting the activities of the institute but also building up the brand image for the committee too. Hence this will truly be a crusade and hopefully we will come out victors.

Contributed by -
Arnab Pal,
The Media and PR Cell,
XIM, Bhubaneswar.