Career Resource Center : The final guide

Increasing number of companies are resorting to eCruit these days by asking candidates to either apply online through their own or some other career web site, or submitting the resumes through e-mail.

While sending resume through e-mail, the conventional resume format doesn't work and most of the times end up as an unopened file only. While sending a resume through e-mail, the candidates have a propensity to send the resume as an attachment, which puts the recruiters in a difficult situation, as lots of resumes just fail to open due to different formats, different word processing applications, or due to virus problems, and so lots of recruiters just shy away from downloading any attachment to their PCs. So many recruiters have started asking candidates to send their resume in ASCII Text format only.

Click on following sections to understand about ASCII resume and learn key points related to them so that you can improve upon your chance of success.

                                                                                 Contd..ASCII Resume