General Management @ Knowledge Zone

The Rise of the ConSULTANS

- by Kamal Misra *

Part - I

"I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them."

- Isaac Asimov (1920-1992),
Science-fiction Author


Quite agreeable in every sense, the above-mentioned lines conform to the inherent feelings of most individuals, if not all. We live in an age replete with the boundless incarnations of technology. Computers have transformed the very foundation of our existence in every possible manner. Information Technology (IT) has risen above the levels of anonymity, as it was a couple of decades back to conquer the imagination of every techno-savvy individual. Nations have pledged huge sums of money to establish their superiority in this arena. So, what does the scenario look like? What are the strategies deployed? Where does India find place in this war of titans? What is the future roadmap in this context? The article discusses the salient points of this highly interesting set-up. Also, it tries to bring about a balance in the various outlooks governed by inevitable facts and analysis to depict a possible avenue for exploration.

The Rising Sun

As the world is being gradually woven into a collective web of technological enhancements, the IT sector is poised to take home the lion's share. People from all walks of life enjoy the benefits of IT. Hence, it's highly inevitable that the IT industry would define a new dimension as far as business is concerned. Given this understanding, it is heartening to see India emerge as the key player in this segment. The Indian IT sector has proved to be a formidable participant in the nation's economic growth. The software and services industry has displayed exemplary momentum to label the country as the most compelling investment destination for multinational establishments. A bulge in exports has propelled this sector to rake in revenues in excess of Rs. 555.1 billion (US$ 12.2 billion) in 2003-04, a jump of 20.4% in rupee terms and 28% in dollar terms from that of the previous year (Source: Nasscom). There has been a steady increase in the software service exports since the mid-90s, as seen from fig1. This market will continue to boom, thanks to an unprecedented economic weather sweeping across the globe. But, It has taken a long time to reach this awe-inspiring stage of global performance.


* Contributed by: -
Kamal Misra,
PGP - I,
XIM, Bhubaneswar.