Package - the wrapping, packet, carton, bottle, box, etc, used for containment,
protection or promotion of a product. See Packaging.
Package Modification - making any change to the attributes (shape,
colour, size, graphics, lettering, etc.) of a package.
Packaged Goods - a sub-category of consumer non-durable goods; toothpaste,
shampoo and soap powder are packaged consumer non-durables. See Consumer
Non-Durables; Non-Packaged Goods.
Packaging - the materials (glass, aluminium, cardboard, etc) originally
intended merely to contain and protect a product; in recent years the role
of packaging has been broadened so that, in addition to containment and
protection, its purpose is to attract attention, provide additional product
information, and assist in promotion.
Palletisation - the packing of goods on to small wooden platforms, or
pallets, for ease of handling in shipment.
Panel Test - a technique used to pre-test advertising, new products,
etc; a group of individuals selected from the target market are asked to
evaluate alternative versions (of an advertisement, new product, etc.)
Parasitic Advertising - advertising by one group which has an adverse
effect upon another group. For example, the advertising of lamb may reduce
sales of beef, the advertising of apples may reduce sales of pears.
Pareto's Principle - the idea or notion in business, commonly known
as "the 80:20 rule", which says that eighty per cent of the revenue
comes from twenty per cent of the products, that eighty per cent of the
sales volume is derived from twenty per cent of the customer accounts,
etc; named after Vilfredo Pareto, the nineteenth century economist and
Paretopoly - a market situation in which there are a few large sellers
and many smaller ones.
Paretopsony - a market situation in which there are a few large buyers
and many smaller ones.
Parity Product
Pass-Up Method - handling a buyer's objection by attempting to ignore
or "pass off" the buyer's objection, especially if there is reason
to believe that the objection is not made seriously and does not warrant
a response. See Objections.
Payback Period - the time taken for a new product to recover its investment
cost and to generate profits; used as a measure of performance for new
PDM - abbrev. Physical Distribution Management; Product-Differentiated
Penetrated Market - the individuals or organisations in a particular
market who have already purchased the product.
Penetration Pricing - see Market Penetration Pricing.
People-Based Services - services in which people, rather than equipment
or machinery, play the major role in delivery; for example, people play
the major role in the delivery of financial planning services. See Equipment-Based
Per Capita Income - average income per person in a population.
Per Diem Expense Plan - the payment of travel and accommodation expenses
to a salesperson at a fixed daily rate.
Perceived Risk - see Risk.
Percentage-of-Sales Method - a method of setting a budget for promotion
in which the sum to be expended in a given period is a fixed percentage
of the sales income for the previous period.
Perception - the way in which an individual interprets stimuli received
by the senses.
Perceptual Mapping - a tool or process used in marketing research for
charting the way individuals selected from the target market perceive different
companies, products or brands; also called Position Mapping.
Perfect Competition - see Pure Competition.
Performance Allowance - a discount or price reduction given to a wholesaler
or retailer who promises to perform some additional activity (special display,
etc) to sell a greater quantity of product.
Performance Appraisal - an evaluation of the activities and effectiveness
of a salesperson, marketing officer, etc during a given period.
Performance Price - the value to a consumer of the time saved by using
a new product to complete a specified task; the performance price can often
offset other "time prices". See Non-Monetary Price; Time Price.
Performance Risk - concern in the buyer's mind that the product being
considered for purchase will not work efficiently; also called Functional
Risk. See Risk.
Perishability - one of the four characteristics (with inseparability,
intangibility and variability) which distinguish a service; perishability
expresses the notion that a service cannot be made in advance and stored.
See Sercices Marketing; Inseparability; Intangibility; Variability.
Person Marketing - marketing activity aimed at creating target market
awareness, and a favourable opinion, of a particular person.
Personal Income - the wages, salary, etc. earned by an individual.
Personal Interview - a face-to-face meeting with a client, job applicant,
buyer, marketing research respondent, etc.
Personal Selling - a form of promotion utilising the services of a sales
team; one of the major controllable variables (with advertising, sales
promotion and publicity) of the promotion mix. See Promotion Mix.
Personality - the distinctive character of an individual; used as a
basis for the psychographic segmentation of a market in which individuals
of relatively similar personality, with similar needs or wants, are grouped
into one segment. See Psychographic Segmentation.
Personality Segmentation - the division of a heterogeneous market into
homogeneous groups on the basis of personality characteristics and enduring
patterns of behaviour such as aggressiveness, compliance or compulsiveness.
See Psychographic Segmentation.
Persuasive Advertising - advertising intended to persuade (rather than
to inform or remind).
PERT - acronym for Progam Evaluation and Review Technique; a quantitative
technique used as a managerial tool in planning and controlling complex
programs. Common use has been made of PERT, originally introduced for use
in the aerospace industry, in the coordinating, timing and scheduling of
the many activities in the new product development process.
Phantom Freight - a freight charge imposed upon a customer in excess
of the true freight cost incurred by the supplier. For example, in the
base-point pricing approach, a local customer will be charged a phantom
freight when the freight charge is calculated from an arbitrarily-chosen,
possibly distant, central point. See Base-Point Pricing.
Physical Distribution - the storage, handling and movement of goods
within an organisation and their shipment to customers.
Physical Distribution Management - the management and control of the
activities involved in the storage, handling and movement of goods within
an organisation and in their shipment to customers.
Physical Risk - concern in the buyer's mind that the product being considered
for purchase will be harmful, unhealthy or cause injury.
Physiological Needs - innate human feelings of deprivation related to
an individual's biological well-being. See Psychological Needs.
Piggyback - a system of transportation requiring the transfer of containers
from truck to rail. See Birdyback; Fishyback.
Piggybacking - a low-cost market entry tactic in which manufacturers
of products arrange for manufacturers of complementary, non-competing products
to represent their products in another country or region.
Pioneering Advertising - advertising which is intended to create primary
rather than selective demand; commonly used at the introductory stage of
the product's life cycle. See Primary Demand; Selective Demand.
Pipeline Transportation - the carriage, delivery or shipment of a gas
or liquid product by pipeline.
Place - one of the four controllable variables (with product, price
and promotion) of the marketing mix; the delivery of a good or service
to a consumer; also referred to as Distribution. See Distribution; Marketing
Place Marketing - marketing activity intended to promote an awareness,
and favourable opinion, of a particular place or region.
Place Strategy - the element of a firm's decision-making concerned with
developing an efficient and effective means of storing and handling finished
products and of getting them efficiently to the target market.
Place Utility - the value given to a product by virtue of the fact that
it is where it is wanted.
Plain Vanilla - slang term for a product with only the most basic features;
see Bells and Whistles.
Planned Cannibalisation - the expected loss of sales of a product in
a line to a more recent product introduction; planned cannibalisation might
occur when a company wants its customers to switch to another of its own
products rather than to a product of a competitor. See Cannibalisation.
Planned Economy - - ;also called Controlled Allocation System; Command
System; see also Free Market System; Capitalist System.
Planned Obsolescence - a tactic by which a manufacturer deliberately
seeks to make earlier versions of its product appear undesirable in the
eyes of consumers who have purchased them in order to expand the market
for later versions by improving the characteristics of later versions or
by altering consumers' perceptions of the desirability of the models they
have already purchased.
Planning - see Strategic Planning; Marketing Planning; Sales Planning.
Planning Horizon - the total timespan covered by a firm's marketing
plans; the length of the planning horizon is commonly determined by the
degree of uncertainty in the environment.
PLC - abbrev. Product Life Cycle
Point-of-Purchase Displays - a form of promotion used to support personal
selling and advertising; displays, consisting of packages, signs, display
cartons and so on (more common in the marketing of consumer goods) are
used to provide additional product information and to impel on-the-spot
Polyopoly - a market situation in which there are no large sellers but
many small ones.
Polyopsony - a market situation in which there are no large buyers but
many small ones.
POP - abbrev. Point of Purchase.
Population - in marketing research, the total group that a researcher
wishes to study; also called the Universe.
Population Characteristics - variables including age, gender, income,
marital status, education, nationality, race, religion, etc. upon which
a population may be segmented.
Porter, Michael
Portfolio Analysis - the systematic evaluation or assessment of a company's
businesses or products; two variables frequently used in the evaluation
are market attractiveness (including market growth rate) and business strength
(including relative market share).
Portfolio Tests - a method of pre-testing an advertisement; after looking
through a portfolio of different versions of a particular advertisement,
respondents chosen from the target market are asked to recall in detail
those which they can remember.
Position Mapping - see Perceptual Mapping.
Positioning - see Market Positioning
Possession Utility - the value given to a product by virtue of the fact
that the purchaser has the legal right to own and use it freely.
POSSLQ - abbrev. Persons of Opposite Sex Sharing Living Quarters; sometimes
written as POSLSQ - Persons of Opposite Sex Living in Same Quarters.
Post-Purchase Evaluation - the quick mental assessment of a low-involvement
product by a consumer after purchase. See Low-Involvement Product.
Post-Purchase Satisfaction - the pleasure that a carefully selected
high-involvement product gives to a consumer after purchase. See High-Involvement
Postage Stamp Pricing - see Uniform Delivered Pricing.
Poster - an outdoor advertising medium; a billboard.
Potential Market - all the individuals and organisations in a particular
market who have some level of interest in the product.
Potential Product -
PR - abbrev. Public Relations.
Pre-Approach Stage - the first stage in the selling process; the stage
in which a salesperson prospects for new accounts, qualifies them and prepares
to make contact with the client.
Pre-Testing - the testing of a questionnaire, advertisement, etc on
respondents selected from the target market before using it in a full-scale
research study, campaign, etc. See Questionnaire Pre-testing.
Pre-Ticketing - the practice by a vendor of placing a tag on each product
sold listing its particular style, size, colour, etc; the pre-ticketing
is designed to make re-ordering easier for a reseller.
Predatory Pricing - a pricing practice by which a company hopes to inhibit
or eliminate competition by charging lower than normal prices for its products
in certain geographic regions.
Premium Pricing - see High-Price Strategy.
Premiums - a type of sales promotion in which merchandise is given free
or at a reduced price to purchasers of products or visitors to a store.
Press Conference - a meeting to which media personnel are invited by
a government body, organisation or company seeking to make a public announcement,
usually to gain favourable publicity or to offset some negative reaction.
Press Release - an announcement released to the news media by a government
body, organisation or firm, usually to obtain publicity or to offset some
negative reaction to it or its products; also called a News Release.
Pressure Group - any group of individuals who work together to exert
an influence upon the decision-making of a company to achieve some specific
Pressure Selling - see High Pressure Selling.
Prestige Builder - the highest-priced item in a product line. See Product
Line; Traffic Builder.
Prestige Pricing - a pricing strategy in which prices are set at a high
level, recognising that lower prices will inhibit sales rather than encourage
them and that buyers will associate a high price for the product with superior
quality; also called Image Pricing. See Psychological Pricing.
Prestige Products - items of superior quality; high status merchandise.
Price - the value agreed upon by the buyer and the seller in an exchange;
one of the four controllable variables (with product, promotion and place)
of the marketing mix. See Marketing Mix.
Price Adjustments - allowances, discounts, etc. granted by a seller
to meet the requirements or circumstances of specific buyers.
Price Band - the range within which a product can be priced as dictated
by competitive intensity and the perceived value of the product to consumers.
Price Brand - see Fighting Brand.
Price Bundling - a pricing strategy in which various products sold to
a customer together are offered at a price less than the sum of the prices
of the products sold individually.
Price Ceiling - A price, usually imposed by law, above which market
prices are not permitted to rise; also called a Ceiling Price. See Price
Price Competition - a competitive situation in which price is used as
the major means of differentiating the product of one firm from that of
a rival. See Non-price Competition.
Price Cycle - the regular, periodic fluctuation in the price of a product,
especially of an agricultural product, owing to expansion or contraction
in its supply.
Price Discounting - see Discount.
Price Discrimination - a pricing strategy, generally illegal, in which
a seller charges different prices to marketing intermediaries for the same
product. See Differential Pricing.
Price-Elastic Segments - segments of the market which are more responsive
to price changes than other segments of the market. See Price Elasticity.
Price Elasticity - buyers' sensitivity to price; measured by the percentage
change in quantity demanded that results from a percentage change in price.
See Price Inelasticity.
Price Fixing - agreement or collusion between competitors to maintain
certain fixed price levels to avoid competition. See Horizontal Price
Fixing; Vertical Price Fixing.
Price Floor - A price, usually imposed by law, below which market prices
are not permitted to floor; also called a Floor Price. See Price Ceiling.
Price Gouging - a monopolistic pricing technique in which the seller
takes advantage of the lack of competition by charging unusually high prices
relative to a product's cost.
Price Incentives - a common form of sales promotion in which price reductions
are offered to consumers to encourage them to buy a particular product
earlier or in larger quantity.
Price Inelasticity - buyers' insensitivity to price; when the percentage
change in quantity demanded is less than the percentage change in price,
consumers are price-insensitive. See Price Elasticity.
Price Leader - a firm whose prices set a lead for other firms in the
industry to follow.
Price Leadership - a situation which occurs when one or a few companies,
usually larger companies, are consistently the first to institute price
Price Lining - pricing different products in a product line at various
price points, depending on size and features, to make them affordable to
a wider range of customers.
Price Objection - an objection raised by a prospective buyer on the
grounds of price, credit terms, discounts, allowances, freight charges,
etc. related to the cost of a product offered by a salesperson.
Price Packs - a type of sales promotion in which consumers are offered
a reduction in the regular price of a product; the amount of the reduction
is usually marked, or "flagged", prominently on the label or
package; also called a "cents-off" deal.
Price Sensitivity - see Price Elasticity.
Price Space - the price difference between items in a product line;
having the right amount of price space is often critical as too little
space may confuse buyers and too much space may leave gaps which can be
exploited by competitors. See Product Line.
Price-Taker - any firm which is unable to influence the general level
of commodity prices by altering the quantity of the product produced; a
firm operating in a perfectly competitive market situation is, necessarily,
a price-taker. Price-takers are sometimes also referred to as Quantity
Adjusters as their chief decision is to adjust the amount they produce
to a given price. See Perfect Competition.
Price Wars - a conflict situation likely to occur in industries where
products cannot be greatly differentiated; a decrease in price by one company
will attract a large number of customers to it, forcing other companies
to retaliate by cutting the price even further.
Price-Value Relationship - the connection that consumers make between
price and quality; products with a higher price are commonly perceived
to be of better quality.
Pricing - marketing activity concerned with the setting of prices for
new products and the adjustment of prices for existing products.
Pricing Strategy - the element of a firm's decision-making concerned
with the setting of prices that will attract the target market and allow
profit objectives to be met.
Primary Advertising - advertising intended to create demand for a class
or category of product rather than for a brand. See Generic Advertising;
Pioneering Advertising.
Primary Data - information that is obtained directly from first-hand
sources by means of surveys, observation or experimentation. See Secondary
Primary Demand - demand for a product class rather than for a particular
brand within the class.
Primary Packaging - a product's immediate container or wrapper. See
Secondary Packaging; Shipping Packaging.
Principle of Integrating Interests - a technique used in selling in
which the salesperson, knowing the buyer's personal interests or buying
motives, places emphasis on these in the presentation rather than on the
features or benefits of the product.
Print Campaign
Private Brand - a brand owned by a wholesaler or retailer; also called
a private label. See Manufacturer's Brand.
Private Carrier - any form of transport operated by an independent organisation
and used for the shipment of goods. See Common Carrier; Contract Carrier
Private Label - see Private Brand.
Private Treaty - a market agreement arranged by a buyer and seller in
private negotiation.
Proactive Marketing Strategies - marketing activites which anticipate
competitive action and attempt to forestall it; offensive strategies.
See Reactive Marketing Strategies.
Probabilistic Models - a statistical tool in which the probability that
an event will occur again is estimated using historical data; for example,
in sales forecasting past purchasing behaviour is used to estimate the
degree of probability with which consumers will purchase the same item
Probability Sample - a sample in which each individual within a total
population has a known chance of being chosen.
Problem Children - see Question Marks.
Problem Situation Model - a model of a problem situation faced by a
decision-maker, constructed (often by a marketing researcher) in order
to get as clear a picture as possible of the problem; a problem situation
model includes a description of the desired outcomes, the relevant variables,
and the relationships of each of the variables to the outcomes.
Problem-Solving Approach - an approach to selling in which the salesperson
works with the buyer to evaluate alternative solutions to a problem and
to select the best; a consultative approach intended to build long-term
relationships with clients. Also called Depth Selling.
Process Materials - a classification of goods bought by organisations
for incorporation into a product; the process materials cannot be recognised
in the finished product.
Procurement Costs - the costs involved in reordering an inventory item;
the costs include the cost of processing and transmitting the order as
well as the cost of the item itelf.
Product - a bundle of need-satisfying tangible and intangible attributes
offered to a buyer by a seller. See Actual Product; Augmented Product;
Core Product.
Product Advertising - advertising in which a company promotes a particular
good or service.
Product Attributes distinctive tangible and intangible features of
a product that give it its value to a user.
Product Audit - a systematic appraisal of a firm's product mix to evaluate
its strengths and weaknesses and to assess the available opportunities.
Product Category - the specific generic to which a good or service belongs;
for example, while Fanta is a brand name, the product category to which
it belongs is soft drinks.
Product Concept - see Product Orientation.
Product Depth (of Line) - see Product Line Length.
Product Development - a growth strategy in which the firm develops new
products for existing markets.
Product-Differentiated Marketing - a marketing philosophy in which the
seller views the market as a homogeneous whole, but produces two or more
products for it; the products, differing in attributes (price, style, quality,
etc), are designed to offer variety rather than to satisfy the needs and
wants of different market segments. See Mass Marketing; Target Marketing.
Product Differentiation - a strategy which attempts (through innovative
design, packaging, positioning, etc.) to make a clear distinction between
products serving the same market segment.
Product Differentiation Advantage
Product Elimination - the decision to drop a product (for example, in
the decline stage of its life cycle) in order to use the costs associated
with it to enhance profits or to release resources that could be more effectively
used in other ways.
Product Extension - the introduction of a product that is known to the
company but which has features or dimensions which are new to consumers;
three types of product extensions are possible: revisions, additions and
repositionings. See Innovation; New Product Duplication.
Product Failure - a product that does not meet management expectations
in the marketplace.
Product Flanking - a competitive marketing strategy in which a company
produces its brands in a variety of sizes and styles to gain shelf space
and inhibit competitors.
Product Form Competitors - firms offering slightly different variants
of the same basic product.
Product Item - a product variant with its own distinctive attributes
(price, packaging, etc.); also called a Stock-Keeping Unit and a Stock-Taking
Product Knowledge - detailed knowledge of a product's features and benefits
required by a salesperson to persuade a prospect to purchase.
Product Leveraging - see Brand Leveraging.
Product Liability - the onus or responsibility imposed by legislation
on a manufacturer to warn consumers appropriately about possible harmful
effects of a product, to foresee how it might be misused, etc.
Product Life Cycle - a concept which draws an analogy between the span
of a human life and that of a product, suggesting that, typically, a product's
life consists of four stages - introductory, growth, maturity and decline;
the concept is used as a tool to formulate marketing strategies appropriate
to each of the stages.
Product Line - a group of products manufactured or distributed by an
organisation, similar in the way they produced or marketed; for example,
Gillette markets a line of razors and blades, a line of toiletries, a line
of pens and a line of cigarette lighters.
Product Line Brand Name - a brand name applied to several products within
a product line. See Product Line; Individual Brand Name; Family Brand;
Corporate Branding.
Product Line Expansion Segmentation Strategy - one of four possible
segmentation strategies (with concentrated segmentation strategy, market
segment expansion strategy and differentiated segmentation strategy) available
to a firm in relation to the segment or segments it wishes to target; in
a product line expansion segmentation approach a firm offers several products
to one segment. See Segmentation Strategies; Concentrated Segmentation
Strategy; Market Segment Expansion Strategy; Differentiated Segmentation
Product Line Extension - adding depth to an existing product line by
introducing new products in the same product category; product line extensions
give customers greater choice and help to protect the firm from a flanking
attack by a competitor. See Product Line; Product Line Depth; Product
Line Stretching.
Product Line Featuring - a strategy in which certain items in a product
line are given special promotional attention, either to boost interest
(at the lower end of the line) or image (at the upper end). See Product
Product Line Filling - introducing new products into a product line
at about the same price as existing products. See Product Line.
Product Line Length - the number of different products in a product
line. See Product Line.
Product Line Manager - see Category Manager.
Product Line Modernisation - a strategy in which items in a product
line are modified to suit modern styling and tastes and re-launched. See
Product Line.
Product Line Pruning - reducing the depth of a product line by deleting
less profitable offerings in a particular product category. See Product
Product Line Retrenchment - reducing the width of a product mix by decreasing
the diversity of items offered across product categories; product line
retrenchment is common following the failure of brand leveraging to launch
a brand into a related category. See Product Line; Product Mix Width.
Product Line Stretching - introducing new products into a product line.
See Product Line; Downward Stretching; Two-way Stretching; Upward Stretching.
Product Management System - a system which ensures that total marketing
control of a product line or brand rests with the person who has profit
responsibility for it.
Product Manager - an individual given responsibility for the planning
and co-ordinating of a firm's marketing activities related to a single
product, product line or market.
Product Mix - the variety of distinct product lines and items manufactured
or distributed by an organisation. See Product Item; Product Line.
Product Mix Consistency - the degree of closeness or relatedness between
product lines in the product mix. See Product Line; Product Mix.
Product Mix Width - the number of distinct product lines manufactured
or distributed by an organisation. See Product Line; Product Mix.
Product Modification - any substantial change made to the attributes
(size, shape, colour, style, price, etc.) of a product; modification of
a product is usually undertaken in an attempt to revitalise it in order
to increase demand.
Product Objection - an objection by a prospective buyer to the quality
or characteristics of the goods offered by a salesperson. See Objections.
Product Organisation - the deployment of a firm's sales force or the
organisation of its marketing activities so that a separate division is
responsible for each of its major products or product groups. See Organisational
Product Orientation - a management philosophy, concept, focus or state
of mind which emphasises the quality of the product rather than the needs
and wants of the target market; the orientation assumes that consumers
will favour products that offer the most quality, performance and features
and that the organisation's objectives will be most readily achieved by
a concentration on these.
Product Petrification - a term used to describe the small but persistent
demand by loyal customers for a declining product. See Product Life Cycle;
Decline Stage.
Product Portfolio - the mix of products manufactured or distributed
by a company. See Product Mix; Product Mix Width.
Product Portfolio Analysis - an examination of each of the products
manufactured or distributed by the company to assess future marketing strategies.
See Boston Consulting Group Portfolio Analysis Matrix.
Product Position Map - a tool used in comparing consumer perception
of the differences between products or brands; consumers are asked to mark
the particular location of a product or barnd on a two-dimensional "map",
where the axes of the map are attributes felt by consumers to be important.
See Perceptual Mapping.
Product Positioning - see Market Positioning.
Product Positioning Strategy - marketing decisions and actions intended
to create a particular place for a product in the market and in the minds
of consumers; a product positioning strategy may attempt to differentiate
a marketing offer from a competitor's or to appear similar to it.
Product Recall - the advertised request by a company that a product
be returned to it by those who have already purchased it; a product recall
is often deemed desirable when a product proves to be unsafe or unreliable.
Product Strategy - the element of a firm's decision-making concerned
with developing the most appropriate products for its target market.
Product Testing - exposing consumers to a new product, in final or
prototype form, so that they might compare it to their usual brand and
rate it; the results of product testing will indicate to the company whether
further evaluation of the product in test markets is desirable. See Concept
Development and Testing; New Product Development.
Product Variant - see Product Item.
Product Warranty - see Warranty; Express Warranty; Implied Warranty.
Product-Based Competitors - see Product Form Competitors.
Product-Based Marketing Organisation - a marketing structure of an organisation
in which staff specialists have responsibility for various products of
the organisation (rather than for particular markets); most appropriate
when customer needs are differentiated by product. See Market-Based Marketing
Product-Differentiated Marketing - an approach to marketing in which
a company disregards market segmentation but produces goods and services
that are different from others on the market.
Product-Push Approach - an approach to the generation of new product
ideas in which a company's strengths rather than market needs are given
prime emphasis. See Demand-Pull Approach.
Production Goods - a classification of industrial goods; goods purchased
by industrial firms for use in the manufacture of their finished products.
See Industrial Product Classes.
Production Orientation - a management philosophy, concept, focus or
state of mind which emphasises production techniques and unit-cost reduction
rather than the needs and wants of the target market; the orientation assumes
that consumers will favour those products that are the most readily available
and at the most affordable prices and that a concentration on efficiencies
in production and distribution will most readily achieve the firm's objectives.
Profit and Loss Statement - an accounting statement showing income,
expenditure and profit over a given period.
Profit Centre - a division of an organisation with responsibility for
generating its own income, and with accountability for profits.
Profit Maximisation - see Current Profit Maximisation.
Profit Objective in Pricing - setting prices with short-run profits
rather than long-term market share in mind.
Profit Sharing - a compensation system in which employees are awarded
a share of the company's profits to encourage increased productivity.
Profitability Control - marketing effort intended to assess the level
of profitability of each product in the portfolio, of each market segment,
of each marketing channel, etc.
Progressive Commission - a sales commission system in which the commission
rate increases as the salesperson sells more goods. See Regressive Commission.
Promotion - one of the four controllable variables (with product, price
and place) of the marketing mix.
Promotion Manager - an individual within an organisation responsible
for promotional activities and campaigns.
Promotion Mix - the range of means available to an organisation for
communication with its target market - advertising, sales promotion, personal
selling, publicity and public relations.
Promotional Adaptation - a strategy in which the same product is sold
in different geographic locations but with a unique promotional strategy
for some or all of the different locations.
Promotional Allowance - a price reduction or discount granted by a manufacturer
to a member of the marketing channel in return for some form of special
promotion of a particular product.
Promotional Budget - the sum allocated in a particular accounting period
for expenditure on promotion.
Promotional Campaign - a coordinated series of promotional efforts built
around a single theme and designed to achieve a specific objective.
Promotional Partnership - an alliance between a manufacturer of a product
and another company for the purposes of promotion; for example, Coca-Cola
Co. may form a promotional partnership with 20th Century Fox Film Corp.,
agreeing to pay that company to display the soft drink prominently in a
forthcoming feature film. See Movie Tie-Ins; Entertainment Marketing.
Promotional Pricing - the temporary pricing of goods and services at
lower than normal levels for a special promotional effort.
Promotional Stock - merchandise offered at a reduced price to a reseller
for some special promotion or festive occasion; also referred to as Seasonal
Promotional Strategy - the element of a firm's decision-making concerned
with choosing the most appropriate mix of advertising, sales promotion,
personal selling and publicity for communication with its target market.
Promotional Warranty - a warranty designed to reduce the perceived financial
or performance risk that a consumer might perceive in purchasing an expensive
product. See Warranty; Express Warranty; Implied Warranty; Protective
Prospect - a potential customer. See Sales Leads; Suspect.
Prospecting - the first step in the selling process; the activity of
seeking out potential customers. See Sales Leads.
Prospecting Plan - a systematic approach to finding new customers involving
the setting aside of time after allowing for calls on existing customers
specifically for prospecting.
Protectionism - Trade policies of governments aimed at protecting domestic
industries by limiting the volume of imports.
Protective Warranty - see Warranty; Express Warranty; Implied Warranty;
Promotional Warranty.
Prototype - a sample or early version of a new product made or built
specifically for trialling and testing.
Prototype Testing - the trialling of a sample of a newly developed product
on selection of customers from the target market .
Proxemic Communication - a form of nonverbal communication or body language
in which messages are conveyed from one person to another by the changing
space that separates them during a conversation. See Kinesic Communication;
Nonverbal Communication; Tactile Communication.
Psychodrama - a qualitative marketing research technique in which respondents
are asked to engage in impromptu role-playing exercises intended to have
them reveal their feelings about certain products or brands. See Qualitative
Marketing Research.
Psychodrawing - a nonverbal, qualitative marketing research technique
in which respondents use colours, shapes, symbols, etc. to express their
feelings about certain products or brands. See Qualitative Marketing Research.
Psychographic Segmentation - the division of a heterogeneous market
into relatively homogeneous groups on the basis of their attitudes, beliefs,
opinions, personalities and lifestyles; sometimes called "State-of-Mind"
Psychography - the study of the attitudes, beliefs, opinions, personalities
and lifestyles of individuals in a population.
Psychological Discounting - the advertising of a product at a heavily
reduced price, as in "Was $49.95, now only $35.00"; the practice
may be illegal under the Trade Practices Act unless the reduction is a
genuine one.
Psychological Needs - innate human feelings of deprivation related
to an individual's mental well-being. See Needs; Physiological Needs.
Psychological Repositioning - the attempt by a firm to alter the beliefs
of prospective buyers about the key attributes of its product offering,
especially where the buyers generally underestimate its quality. See Market
Positioning; Real Positioning; Repositioning; Competitive Depositioning.
Psychological Pricing - pricing intended to influence the customers'
perception of the actual price of a product; two common forms of psychological
pricing are odd pricing and prestige pricing. See Odd Pricing; Prestige
Psychological Risk - see Risk; Emotional Risk.
Psychological Set - a consumer's mind set; his or her positive or negative
feelings or predispositions towards a particular brand or company. The
consumer's mind set is formed by his or her needs, perceptions and attitudes.
See Attitudes; Needs; Perception.
Public Policy Environment - that part of a firm's external environment
which consists of controversial issues or matters of concern to governments,
the media or influential pressure groups; factors in this environment may
have an influence on a firm's decision-making or an impact upon its performance.
Public Relations - the relationship which exists between an organisation
and its several publics; efforts to influence this relationship by obtaining
favourable publicity.
Publicity - corporate or product promotion that is obtained free of
Publics - the various groups in a society which can influence or bring
pressure to bear upon a firm's decision making and have an impact upon
its marketing performance; these groups include the financial public, media
public, government public, citizen action public, local public, general
public and international public.
Puffing - the legitimate practice of making obviously exaggerated claims
in advertising, eg. "cleaner than clean".
Pull Strategy - promotion to end-users (mainly by means of advertising,
sales promotion and publicity) rather than to members of the marketing
channel (mainly by personal selling) to facilitate the flow of a good or
service from producer to final consumer. See Push Strategy; Push-Pull
Pulsing - scheduling advertising campaigns in fairly regular bursts
followed by periods of relative or complete inactivity. See Continuity;
Puppy Dog Close - a closing technique in which a salesperson urges an
indecisive prospect to "take it home, play with it overnight",
believing that once the product is in the customer's keeping he or she
will be unwilling to part with it.
Purchase Allowance - see Off-Invoice Allowance.
Purchase Intentions - the likelihood that a consumer will buy a particular
product resulting from the interaction of his or her need for it, attitude
towards it and perceptions of it and of the company which produces it.
Purchase Laboratory - See Accelerated Test Marketing.
Purchase Probability Scale - a tool used in marketing research surveys
of buying intentions; respondents are asked to rate the likelihood of their
purchase of a particular product on a scale ranging, for example, from
"definitely not" to "certain to buy".
Purchasing Officer - an individual within an organisation responsible
for purchasing the goods and services it requires. See Buying Centre.
Purchasing Performance Evaluation - the establishment of criteria by
which the performance of purchasing officers can be assessed and of incentive
systems so that good purchasing can be rewarded.
Pure Competition - a marketing situation in which there are a large
number of sellers of a product which cannot be differentiated and, thus,
no one firm has a significant influence on price. Other prevailing conditions
are ease of entry of new firms into the market and perfect market information.
Also referred to as Perfect Competition and Atomistic Competition. See
Monopolistic Competition.
Pure Monopoly - a marketing situation in which there is only one seller
of a product. See Pure Competition.
Push Money - a direct payment of money offered to the sales force of
a reseller by a manufacturer to encourage greater efforts with a particular
product or range.
Push Strategy - promotion to members of the marketing channel (mainly
by means of personal selling) rather than promotion to end-users (mainly
by means of advertising, sales promotion and publicity) to facilitate the
flow of a good or service from producer to final consumer. See Pull Strategy;
Push-Pull Strategy.
Push-Pull Strategy - promotion of a good or service both to end-users
and members of the marketing channel to facilitate its flow from producer
to final consumer. See Pull Strategy; Push Strategy.
Pyramid Selling - a selling system, now illegal in Australia, in which
members of a sales organisation derive their earnings by selling to newly
introduced members of the distribution network (who pay a fee to enter)
rather than to end-users.