Placement Reports only @ CoolAvenues

Placement 2004

CoolAvenues' Classics
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"I felt like a child of lesser god whose parents don't want to own him because of his failure..." says one student who was one of the last few to be placed. And he is not the only one. Such anguished comments come from many.

Things did seem to change in last couple of years...

While institutes like IIMA, IIMB, IIMK, XLRI Jamshedpur, SPJIMR Mumbai, XIM Bhubaneswar have been leading by example by practicing what they teach, for other B-schools, market forces are at play. Discussion Boards of CoolAvenues have become a popular ground for interaction among B-School students and other MBA community stakeholders. Heavy protests and outcries over "beefed-up" figures made many B-schools clarify the things, e.g., in year 2001, while one school claimed USD 100,000 as its highest salary in the press, a barrage of protests on the forum forced it to change the figure to Singapore Dollar.

But this year, the old scenario prevails...

While CoolAvenues expected situation to improve even more, the same scenario prevailed, with only few institutions volunteering genuine placement information after repeated requests, and others either coming up with excuses of confidentiality for holding back data or botching up the figures.

Therefore, while things are changing and B-schools like IIMA, IIMK, IIMB, XLRI, SPJIMR, XIMB provide information as fast as possible to the stake-holders, for others like IIMC and IIML, it is still miles to go...



By CoolAvenues Research Team

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